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Equine Herpes Virus: What to do about this ever present threat


Following a number of enquiries regarding Equine Herpes Virus (EHV) and vaccination, we have put the following helpful information together for our clients. As always, please contact the office if you have any questions or concerns, would like more information, or would like to organise a vaccination for your horse.

EHV is a contagious viral infection that can cause respiratory disease, abortions and neurological disease. There are 5 strains of EHV, but the most common ones are EHV-1 and EHV-4.

Please read the factsheet below for further detail regarding EHV, including how it is spread, possible clinical signs and some helpful biosecurity advice. 

Natural immunity following exposure to EHV is relatively short lived and may only last for a few months. We have a vaccination available which will reduce clinical sign severity, duration and viral shedding of respiratory disease, and abortion presentations. Please note that there is no licensed vaccination to prevent neurological disease.

The vaccination protocol is a primary course of two vaccinations 4-6 weeks apart, followed by a booster vaccination every six months. Pregnant mares should be vaccinated at five, seven and nine months of gestation.


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